Crowsnest Pass Bearsmart Association is holding a raffle to raise the funds to support our program! Prizes are a bear resistant garbage can, a beautiful canvas print donated by Bound for Mountain Photography, and a basket filled with prizes including bear spray! Tickets will be available at our booth at the Lifestyle Show this weekend […]
Gardening and Landscaping in bear country
It’s gardening and landscaping season in bear country! As much as you may like your garden, the bears like it even more so. To avoid conflict with bears, understand that bears are drawn in to town by food odours. They have seven times the scent sensitivity of a Blood Hound, so if you have something […]
CNP Bearsmart Association – a snapshot
Crowsnest Pass BearSmart Association The Government of Alberta created the BearSmart Program to provide communities with financial and directive support in becoming BearSmart. From this directive Fish and Wildlife Enforcement District Officer John Clarke has developed and created a strong group of volunteers that works within the Crowsnest Pass assisting residents in becoming bear aware […]